Build your AI applications using our workflow based {no code} platform

Anyone can bring their use case and pick one of our pre-defined step by step workflow processes to learn, build and deploy complete AI and common application from end to end, or by leveraging our AI assistant Neuro bot.

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Accelerate your company's growth with AI & Data Science


Enterprise Applications

Enterprise applications are built to work with big data. Extracting the right information is crucial for businesses to analyze their performance and growth. Embedding AI will help accelerate businesses to stay ahead of their competition.

Neuroapps No code AI platform

Neuro AI Models

Build AI models and applications using the latest algorithms built by Neuro Apps. Neuro Apps mission is to build and deploy models that leverage the best machine learning design patterns, and continous improvements and upgrades to serve the most accurate data.

Neuroapps No code AI platform
Neuroapps No code AI platform


First step of the process is to analyze the scenario where AI models can help. Either could be with sales, customer support or manufacturing.

Neuroapps No code AI platform

Data Engineering

Own your data. Data is the crucial first step towards building models. We can help to undertand and gather all the necessary data points to build a model

Neuroapps No code AI platform


AI is defined as the system to replicate what a human can do. With data, it's crucial to train the model with unbiased training data sets, and label the data. We can help.

Neuroapps No code AI platform

AI Models

Last step is to validate the model for accuracy and implement in production and build an auto ML pipeline for continuous training to improve the accuracy.



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AI Use Cases
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Due Diligence (AI)
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Data Models
Data APIs
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Need consultation for complete analysis and implementation? Please contact us.

What People Say About Us

"AI is critical to the businesses going forward. Neuro Apps understood our business model and successfully helped architect and commercialize models for us and built a marketplace for us to be agile and scale faster"

Founder CTO Neuroapps AI

"Typical AI companies focus on pre-trained models, but Neuro Apps team know the importance of datasets in machine learning and AI research. They helped us built our models from end to end, and are helping solve the real-world problems at an accelerated pace!"

Ottomotive AI

"The nocode approach to building solutions has accelerated the launch of an idea to product to scaling it. The team at Neuro Apps helps guide founders with the best practices and avoid the mistakes and focus to achieve the product market fit"

Neuroapps founder
Startup Founder